(801) 228-0914 || info@mechenbierit.com

Electronic Health Record Consulting

Is Your Poor EHR System Performance and Workflows Impacting Your Physicians?

We will improve the productivity of your staff and the quality of your EHR experience for your physicians.

Workflow optimization

Clinical content

Practice efficiency

HIPAA compliance

Improving patient engagement


Let us help you standardize and simplify EHR for your practice or health system

Real-time patient records are vital. Medical enterprises generate large amounts of data from disparate sources which must be accessible from a variety of devices anytime, anywhere. Electronic Health/Medical Records (EHR/EMRs) can achieve this goal and make information ready at your fingertips.

For most of our clients, the implementation of their Electronic Health Record system (EHR) was the easy part. But now, they need to support it. That’s where we come in. We’ve designed and established an exceptional support model, and provide superior service to clients’ systems and end-users.

At MechenbierIT we have deep knowledge and experience in all aspects of the EHR. We provide your organization insights and best practices from hundreds of successful implementations.

We're Here To Help!

Contact Us!

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